Rudraksha For Heart Chakra

USD 1,150

Rudraksha For Heart Chakra l Rudraksha For Anahata Chakra

14 Mukhi Rudraksha: Known to bring compassion and harmony.

It has 12 Petals and 12 Mukhi Rudraksha beads as the Heart Chakra.

SKU: 104
Shipping: Worldwide
Certificate of Authenticity: Included
Energize in Pashupatinath Temple: Included
Origin: Nepal
Available: Locket and Bracelet

Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra, known as the Anahata Chakra, follows the Solar Plexus Chakra and precedes the Throat Chakra, making it the fourth chakra.

The heart chakra governs the air element and controls love, compassion, forgiveness, emotional balance, empathy, and relationships. It is the center of love and connection with oneself and others.

Located of Heart Chakra in Body: At the center of the chest, near the heart

Color of Heart Chakra: Green

Chanting Mantra for Heart Chakra: "Yam"

Number of Petals: 12 - Spiritual qualities such as hope (asha), anxiety (chinta), effort (Prayatna), possession (dhriti), impartiality (gati), arrogance (garva), competence (laya), lust (moha), deceit (kapata), defiance (vitarka), repentance (shoka), and fortitude (dairya).

Meditation (Yoga) Position to Heart Chakra:

Anahatasana (heart-melting pose)
Bhujangasana (cobra pose)
Ustrasana (camel pose)
Matsyasana (fish pose)
Dhanurasana (bow pose)
Heart Chakra Mudra

Which Rudraksha to wear to open Heart Chakra:

14 Mukhi Rudraksha: Known to bring compassion and harmony.

It has 12 Petals and 12 Mukhi Rudraksha beads as the Heart Chakra.

Problems when the Heart Chakra is blocked:

Individuals may experience difficulties in relationships, emotional instability, feelings of loneliness, and issues with trust and forgiveness.

Sound Frequency for Heart Chakra: 639 Hz

Now, when bowl "F" has sound and vibration (639), the Chant mantra "YAM" and the yoga positions mentioned above, combined with the energy of holy Rudraksha beads, activate the Heart Chakra. This opens it, allowing you to feel love, compassion, balance, and emotional stability.