Rudraksha For Crown Chakra

USD 2,350

Rudraksha For Crown Chakra l Rudraksha For Sahasrara Chakra

Savar ek Mukhi Rudraksha: Symbolizes the connection to the divine and supports spiritual awakening.
16 Mukhi Rudraksha: Enhances spiritual consciousness and strengthens the connection to universal energy.

SKU: 107
Shipping: Worldwide
Certificate of Authenticity: Included
Energize in Pashupatinath Temple: Included
Origin: Nepal
Available: Locket and Bracelet

Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra, known as the Sahasrara Chakra, follows the Third Eye Chakra and is the seventh and final chakra.

The Crown Chakra governs the element of thought and is responsible for spiritual connection, enlightenment, universal consciousness, and inner wisdom. It is the center of your connection to the divine and the universe.

Location of Crown Chakra in the Body: Located at the top of the head.

Color of Crown Chakra: Violet or white.

Chanting Mantra for Crown Chakra: "Om" or "Ah."

Number of Petals: 1000
1,000 - Representing the infinite nature of the universe and spiritual enlightenment.

Meditation (Yoga) Positions for Crown Chakra:
Savasana (corpse pose)
Padmasana (lotus pose)
Salamba Sirsasana (supported headstand)
Uttanasana (standing forward bend)
Ardha Uttanasana (half standing forward bend)

Which Rudraksha to Wear to Open Crown Chakra:
Savar ek Mukhi Rudraksha: Symbolizes the connection to the divine and supports spiritual awakening.
16 Mukhi Rudraksha: Enhances spiritual consciousness and strengthens the connection to universal energy.

Problems when the Crown Chakra is Blocked:
Individuals may experience feelings of disconnection, lack of purpose, spiritual skepticism, confusion, and depression.

Sound Frequency for Crown Chakra: 963 Hz.

Now, when the bowl "B" has sound and vibration (963 Hz), chant the mantra "OM" or "AH" and practice the yoga positions mentioned above. Combine this with the energy of holy Rudraksha beads. This combination activates the Crown Chakra, making it open, and you will feel connected, enlightened, spiritually aware, and at peace with the universe.